Our comprehensive curriculum covers the fundamentals of React, including components, props, state, and JSX syntax. Learn how to create dynamic and interactive web applications using React's declarative approach to building UI components. Dive into advanced topics like managing state with Redux, handling asynchronous data with Axios, and optimizing performance with React's virtual DOM
Understanding the differences between functional and class components
Organizing components in a React application
State and Props
Understanding state and props in React.js
Managing component state
Passing data between components using props
Understanding the immutability of React state
Best practices for managing state and props
Lifecycle Methods
Understanding the React component lifecycle
Exploring lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount, etc.
Implementing side effects and asynchronous actions using lifecycle methods
Optimizing component performance with lifecycle methods
Handling Events
Creating event handlers in React.js
Binding event handlers to components
Understanding event handling in React.js
Handling user interactions and user input
Dealing with event propagation and delegation
Conditional Rendering
Implementing conditional rendering in React.js
Using conditional statements and ternary operators for rendering
Handling conditional rendering based on state and props
Showing or hiding components based on runtime conditions
Lists and Keys
Understanding the importance of keys in React.js
Iterating over lists using map and key prop
Managing dynamic lists and updating UI efficiently
Best practices for working with lists and keys
Forms in React
Handling forms in React.js
Creating controlled components for form input
Validating form input using state and event handling
Handling form submission and implementing form validation
Component Composition
Composing components in React.js
Reusing components and creating modular UIs
Passing props between nested components
Implementing component composition patterns
Introduction to React Hooks
Understanding useState, useEffect, useContext, and other built-in hooks
Managing component state and side effects using hooks
Refactoring class components to functional components with hooks
Context API
Understanding the Context API in React.js
Creating and consuming context providers and consumers
Managing global state with the Context API
Implementing theme switching and authentication with context
Routing in React
Implementing client-side routing with React Router
Creating routes and nested routes
Handling route parameters and query strings
Implementing route-based code splitting for performance optimization
Fetching Data
Fetching data from external APIs in React.js
Using fetch API and Axios for making HTTP requests
Managing loading states and error handling
Updating UI based on fetched data
Optimizing Performance
Identifying performance bottlenecks in React applications
Implementing code-splitting and lazy loading
Memoizing components and using React.memo
Implementing should Component Update and Pure Component for optimizing rendering
Testing React Applications
Introduction to testing React applications
Writing unit tests using Jest and React Testing Library
Testing component behavior and interactions
Mocking external dependencies and asynchronous code for testing
Deploying React applications to different hosting platforms
Building optimized production builds with webpack or Create React App
Configuring deployment pipelines with continuous integration tools like GitHub Actions or CircleCI
Advanced Topics
Server-side rendering with Next.js
Building progressive web apps (PWAs) with React
State management with Redux or React Context
Integrating React with other libraries and frameworks
Exploring advanced patterns and techniques in React development