• Creating pages in Next.js

    • Understanding the concept of layout components
    • Implementing shared layouts for multiple pages
    • Managing global layout and page-specific layouts

  • Data Fetching

    • Fetching data in Next.js applications
    • Using getServerSideProps and getStaticProps for server-side data fetching
    • Understanding the differences between server-side rendering and static site generation
    • Handling loading states and error handling for data fetching

  • API Routes

    • Creating API routes in Next.js
    • Handling HTTP requests and responses with API routes
    • Implementing RESTful APIs with Next.js
    • Securing API routes and implementing authentication

  • Optimizations and Performance

    • Optimizing Next.js applications for performance
    • Implementing code splitting and lazy loading for efficient resource usage
    • Server-side rendering optimization techniques
    • Caching strategies and performance best practices

  • Authentication and Authorization

    • Implementing authentication with Next.js
    • Using third-party authentication providers
    • Protecting routes and implementing authorization
    • Managing user sessions and cookies in Next.js

  • State Management

    • Managing state in Next.js applications
    • Exploring state management options like React Context, Redux, and Zustand
    • Integrating state management libraries with Next.js
    • Choosing the right state management solution for your application

  • Styling and Theming

    • Styling Next.js applications with CSS, SCSS, or styled-components
    • Implementing global styles and component-specific styles
    • Theming Next.js applications for consistent design
    • Integrating design systems and UI frameworks with Next.js

  • Testing Next.js Applications

    • Introduction to testing Next.js applications
    • Writing unit tests with Jest and React Testing Library
    • Testing components, pages, and API routes
    • Mocking external dependencies and asynchronous code for testing

  • Deployment and Hosting

    • Deploying Next.js applications to various hosting platforms
    • Building optimized production builds with Next.js
    • Configuring deployment pipelines with continuous integration tools
    • Setting up serverless deployments with platforms like Vercel and Netlify

  • Advanced Topics

    • Implementing server-side rendering with custom servers in Next.js
    • Building progressive web apps (PWAs) with Next.js
    • Integrating Next.js with other technologies like GraphQL, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS
    • Exploring advanced patterns and techniques in Next.js development

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