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Wireframig from basics

Learn Wireframing From Basics To Decoding Tricks.

For those who know Wireframing, they know what’s so important with the wireframing in the designing process and for those who don’t know it, we are here.

Wireframing is a design element that presents what interface elements would look on the page. It is commonly used to display content and its functionality on a page which user will need for the overall journey. 

Particularly in the enterprise-level organizations as well as startups, where the product is designed and developed in the collaborative and iterative manner, the wireframing is more necessary. They play a crucial role in keeping everyone on the same page and see the glimpses of how content, information, user journey and layout of the application is planned.

So, what’s the role of Wireframing in the designing process?

Wireframes are just like the blueprints in design. They create a path for our concepts in mind be it in a visual or structural manner. Wireframes are important to communicate the following points:

Content: Wireframes show us the content we are going to display on the page to the user.

Structure: How the pieces of an application will fit together

Information: They show us the hierarchy of the information displayed on the page.

Functionality: How interface will work?

Behaviour: How users will interact with our interface? And how our interface will react to it?

The actual purpose on which the wireframes are needed varies with the people involved in it. It’s basically a way to inform people what we are going to show them in a simple language, be it a hand-drawn or sketch or a perfect blueprint.

Who needs Wireframing?

You are going to be a UI/UX designer so you must know who else uses wireframing. Illustrators, Information Architects, Interaction Designers, Graphic Designers, Business Analysts, Developers, Executives, Usability Experts, Project Managers, Clients, and partners are in advantage when it comes to WIREFRAMING. In short, everyone involved in the manufacturing, production and experience development need wireframes.

So, what are the basics of Wireframing?


They should be the core elements of your design. Know them, understand them and deliver them what they are looking for using your ideas and creativity.

Understanding your users that will use and interact with your product will help you design better.

Offering them the right flow of information and helping them get answers to whatever they are looking for in your application will keep you engaged in the overall process. Once you clear the needs of your users, you will start thinking towards an answer and that will reflect in your design.

Developing a sense of empathy and then applying it in your application will help you design faster saving you loads of time. We at Felix-ITs help our students develop a habit of assuming users’ problems theirs which naturally help them build a great product.

Plan better

Planning makes everything better, even your product will stand out better if you have a better plan. Here are some questions you should ask yourself before you plan your approach for a better design.

  • Who will be my users?
  • What could be the needs and goals of the user?
  • What are the business needs and goals?
  • Does the current product and design work for the user and business?
  • What are the loopholes in current production?
  • What are your constraints involved in the design?

Setting your expectations, not simply goals:

What are the steps involved in the design methodology, who is concerned, what will be the deadlines for every design stage, what level of fidelity is important at which stage, so forth? Consider what you are expecting of others and what’s expected of them, but try to keep it simple so you don’t get in trouble.


If doable we need to use a consistent design language/patters to speak with our users to help them to familiarise with our product.

It’s not always possible to imagine every situation hence, we need to bend the design rules in a limit. Every condition is different and can be addressed on its own set of rules. What unites things, should have a consistent approach – one that someone can relate and trust.


Try to be realistic, at least with approximate values. Try to use real content and images whenever possible. Even if the design is low-fidelity, try to incorporate realistic examples and samples of content. Try to curate content in your free time or get yourself some help for these content needs who is specialized in creating content and copies.

Until your client is satisfied, use free stock images.

Yes, we know wireframes are not a final product but we promote an idea of delivering a wireframing that looks like the final product. So, try to maintain the reality in your design, the more you refine your wireframe, the less it will fetch the changes. 

Let’s design gracefully.


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